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Personal Journal - Week 1

Sunday 8 April 2018

Sitting at the Tedda centre this Sunday having walked to Eyemouth along the coast from Coldingham. The walk to Eyemouth, while a picture of beauty taking in the rugged coastline on a sunny day, turned into something of an epic sttruggle! The path along the 5 kilometre hike was like a mudbath! I stupidly didn't take into consideration that it had rained for pretty much the whole of the week running up to this day and opted to wear my trainers rather than the much more appropriate wellies!

After much slipping around and cursing I finally reached Eyemouth in a complete state, beads of sweat rolling down my forehead and my legs covered in mud from the knee down! Walking through the town I felt terribly self conscious since I looked like I'd been dragged through a muddy hedge backwards! I sat myself down in the centre, opened my laptop and calmed down. Peace began to ring out in the form of enthusiastic birdsong as I sat at the desk by the window, sun beaming in and brightening things up without request.

Overall I'd woken this morning determined to get some fresh air and some exercise. Regardless of my muddy travails, this had been achieved with an evening of good food and interesting discussion ahead to look forward. My concerned cousin Janet also text me this morning and having not spoken for some time, we agreed to have a phone call at some point in the near future.

Today's descriptive word is Hopeful.

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