AA Step 3

1. What does the word “faith” mean to you? What does faith have to do with reliance?
The word faith means something that I will have complete belief and trust in. This belief means that whatever I have put my faith in I believe has my best interests at heart and that I can trust completely. My faith is given 100% and it will help me with my decision making and this faith is unquestionable. The link is that you will rely on your faith to have these best interests at heart. Something I have faith in is never queried or questioned, it is what I trust to be right for me and can therefore be relied upon fully.
2. What does it mean “to make a decision?” How do you know if you’ve made one?
Whether you spend hour mulling it over or a couple of seconds, the basic rules of successful decision making apply. You will weigh up the pro’s and cons of a potential course of action against those of another, taking into account of the consequences of both. You will then go ahead and make your decision based on which set of consequences are the best outcome for you. In my opinion, bad decision making occurs when choosing a course of action impulsively and too quickly, without taking the potential consequences (or lying to yourself about them) into account. A classic example personally is “I’ll have a drink, it won’t ruin anything and I’ll only have a few”. You will know you have made a decision when you either take that course of action or in your mind have discarded any potential alternatives.
3. What do you think it means to “turn your will and your life over to the care of God?”
For me on my recovery this means putting aside my ego and impulsive, controlling nature and make the decision that I don’t have the right answers for everything. It means to take a more calm and measured method in life to my decision making and most importantly, working/consultuing with my higher power over what course of action to take. The AA group who take the of my higher power have much experience, wisdom and compassion over the issues I face so communicating with my higher power so turning my will and life over to them is a decision that can only help and support me.
4. Are you willing to turn it over now? If not, what’s preventing you?
I feel that in a way I already have. When I am considering a course of action I try to take a step back and think about what my higher power would advise to do. I’ve even started talking to my higher power when I am alone in the morning and evening and I do this by thinking when I am with other people.
5. Do you already have a concept of God? If so, how did you get it?
Yes. My concept of God takes the form of the AA group I attend. Not being a religious person this took a while to get my head round but I spent some time reflecting and thinking mindfully about the best possible higher power and I found that using the collective power of the group would be most appropriate to me. During my mindful thinking I also found that the use of nature/the power of the universe itself – working/guiding me towards a correct course of action in life was also a concept that I was comfortable with.
6. Can you trust God as you conceive of Him? Does your God have your best interests at heart? Do you think of God as punishing and loving?
I have put my complete trust into God as I conceive him because as a collective they have the most experience and wisdom in the challenges I face. Also on every single AA meeting I have been to I have been shown nothing but compassion and love and this has built a spirit of complete trust. This trust has given me the confidence to share my experiences and also have the courage to ask for help from group members. This is the kind of relationship I want to build with my higher power. My god does indeed have my best interests at heart, even when I may not agree with him myself! I think of my god as compassionate towards me but not punishing – I have spent too much time punishing myself and still do. If I make a mistake my higher power will help me learn from this mistake as punishment has not worked as a way of altering my behavior in the past.
7. If you cannot trust your God as completely as you would trust your best friend, then what would God have to be like to deserve such trust?
I feel like I can trust god in this way as he has more knowledge in this area than me so it is common sense to put my trust in him.
8. If you cannot conceive of God as some kind of power greater than human power, can you accept that the collective experience and wisdom of the group may be greater than yours alone?
I fully accept that the group has this experience and wisdom and I am eager to continue to use this to aid my recovery and help guide me.
9. If not, then what sort of Higher Power will work to help you recover?
10. Are you willing to continue with the Steps in order to discover and build a working relationship with you own Higher Power?
Yes. I feel I have come such a long way already with my relationship with my higher power but am keen to take this relationship forward and into a more deeper place. I feel a desire to complete the steps not only to help with my sobriety but also as I want to live a more spiritual life and learn more about myself, facing issues that I have suppressed for years.