Being mindful of being mindful...
Unhelpful Thinking Habits....
Catastrophising - I'll never get a job, people will judge me as a violent criminal. I'll have a social stigma attached to me for the rest of my life. 7.
Prediction - I'll never have another meaningful relationship. Both because of my legal involvement and because of alcohol. 7.
Prediction - My family will never trust me again and will always see me as a worrisome alcoholic. I'll never have the same relationship with them again as they'll never be able to let their guard down completely. 6.
Critical Self -In comparison to my family/siblings etc, I'll never have the elements of a normal adult life. I'll never own my own home, car, have children etc. I've screwed it up royally. 8.
Black and White Thinking - I can't do the AA 12 Step Programme as it's just a load of God fearing nonsense which I can't embrace honestly and seriously. Logically it makes no sense to me and I'm not a "spiritual" person. 6.
Mountains/Molehills - Seeing people in Eyemouth (and Duns) who know I have a conviction and judge me, avoid me or talk about me. Thanks James Anderson. 7.
Mountains/Molehills - Fearing for my safety while on community payment if someone from Gala/Maxmill is there. 6.
Black and White Thinking - I'll no doubt let everyone down again as that's just what I've done all my life and will continue to do. 7.
Catastophising - I'm just going to end up an alone alcoholic on benefits in the Scottish Borders. How did it come to this. 8.